AWS Mastery Bootcamp: Level Up Your Cloud Skills

[Recorded] click here to Watch on Youtube

  • Discover the power of AWS

    This course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of cloud computing and AWS services. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started with the cloud or an experienced professional aiming to refine your AWS expertise, this bootcamp offers something for everyone.

  • Hands-On Labs and Exercises:

    Throughout the bootcamp, participants will engage in hands-on labs and exercises to apply what they've learned in each module. These practical activities will help reinforce their understanding of AWS services and concepts.

  • Certification:

    At the end of the bootcamp, participants will receive a certificate of completion, acknowledging their successful mastery of AWS fundamentals and practical skills.

Webinar Poster

List of Contents

  • Module 1: Introduction to Cloud:

    - Understanding Cloud Computing
    - Benefits of Cloud Computing
    - Cloud Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
    - Cloud Deployment Models (Public, Private, Hybrid)
    - AWS as a Leading Cloud Provider

  • Module 2: Setting up Free Tier Account with AWS

    - Creating an AWS Account
    - Navigating the AWS Management Console
    - Billing and Cost Management
    - Enabling Free Tier Services
    - Setting Up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • Module 3: Simple Storage Service (S3) in AWS

    - Introduction to Amazon S3
    - Creating S3 Buckets
    - Uploading and Managing Objects
    - Versioning and Lifecycle Policies
    - Access Control in S3
    - Data Encryption and Security Best Practices

  • Module 4: Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) in AWS

    - Introduction to Amazon EC2
    - Launching EC2 Instances
    - Choosing EC2 Instance Types
    - Security Groups and Network Configuration
    - Connecting to EC2 Instances
    - Creating and Using Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)

  • Module 5: Windows CMD Configuration of AWS

    - Installing AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)
    - Configuring CLI with AWS Access Credentials
    - Using AWS CLI to Manage EC2 Instances
    - Managing S3 Buckets and Objects with CLI
    - Automating AWS Tasks with Scripts

  • Module 6: Running an Application with AWS

    - Live Demo
    - practice
    - practice
    - practice